Comments on: A Cycling Poncho? Cycling in Style Tue, 14 Feb 2023 13:31:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pete Hummers Mon, 13 Nov 2017 17:47:51 +0000 To solve the rain problem I looked to cyclists who _had_ to ride in weather, vis. nineteenth-century English policemen. They used raincapes. I bought a cycling poncho from in Pennsylvania that always keeps me completely dry (and of course I have a set of fenders on my bike).

By: Vincent Mon, 30 May 2016 15:48:54 +0000 > I struggled to truly understand the benefits of having a poncho instead a waterproof jacket

With a cape/poncho long enough, possibly complemented with overshoes, you’ll be totally dry, unlike with a jacket which requires adding a pair of pants + overshoes.

Besides, a waterproof jacket is a lot more expensive, and the jacket + pants combo is a no-no in summer rains or if you need to ride uphill (sauna effect): A poncho/cape is much better in that respect too.

As for carrying a backpack/messenger bag: Get either the Carradice Pro-Route or the Fulap. Both are big enough to accomodate.
