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Last week, I asked my email subscribers and social media followers: “What does cycling mean to you (in 10 words or less)?
I got all sorts of answers. Some I expected, some I certainly did not.
But there was one word that kept popping up time and time again. So much so, in fact, that 50% of all respondents used this exact word, while many others alluded to it.
That word, was FREEDOM.
And it’s so true, cycling is freedom. You’re free to go wherever. You’re free from congestion. You’re free in the world. And, hey, once you’ve got a bike, cycling is basically free in terms of cost.
What Does Cycling Mean to You?

What does Cycling Represent?
As you can see above, there are some clear themes in what cycling means to people.
I’ve grouped each of these responses below, to give you a lovely visually a to what cycling means to people.
Cycling Word Cloud

COMMENT BELOW: What does cycling mean to you?